IMPORTANT NOTE: A new and improved version of this app has been released as part of Know Yourself Personality Plus. To find, look in this store listing under More by Excel At Life and download Know Yourself Personality Plus instead of Cognitive Styles CBT Test.
Know Yourself Personality Plus:
***completely new design
***many tests including Cognitive Styles Test and Your Happiness Assessment
***method to share and compare test results
***can be accessed from all your Android devices
This app is based upon research in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and is sponsored by a clinical psychologist. It is meant for personal assessment to aid in self-help for personal improvement. By examining your thinking styles, you can learn to change them which can reduce anxiety, depression, and unreasonable anger. In addition, you can improve your self-esteem and your relationships.
The app includes articles written by a cognitive-behavioral clinical psychologist to help you understand the process of cognitive therapy and how to use the methods.
***Cognitive Styles Test
This is a 110 item test examining 13 styles of thinking that can lead to problems in relationships, problems at work or in school, and problems coping with life stressors.
These styles include:
***Anxious Style
***Self-Esteem Style
***Perfectionistic Style
***Approval-Seeking Style
***Demand Style
***Withholding Style
***Control Style
***Dependency Style
***Externalizing Style
***Emotional Style
***Passivity Style
***Trust Style
***Blaming Style
This psychological test can tell you the thinking styles that cause you to act and feel the way you do. By learning what types of cognitive styles you have, you can determine what types of irrational thinking you are likely to engage in. Certain irrational thinking will create additional life problems or make it difficult to solve the problems you are confronted with.
This app is meant to be used with the Cognitive Diary app in which you record events that occur and determine if you engaged in any irrational thinking. If you did, it helps you to develop some statements to challenge the thinking.
Once you have developed the cognitive challenges you can review them daily to help you remember to challenge the irrational thinking.
By challenging your irrational thinking you can address problems more effectively. Change your mood and behavior by changing your thinking.
Please email problems or suggestions. We are listening and want to provide a quality app.
CATATAN PENTING: Sebuah versi baru dan lebih baik dari aplikasi ini telah dirilis sebagai bagian dari Tahu Diri Personality Plus. Untuk menemukan, terlihat di toko ini listing di bawah Lainnya Excel Pada Hidup dan men-download Tahu Diri Kepribadian Plus bukan Styles kognitif CBT Test.
Tahu Diri Kepribadian Plus:
*** desain baru
*** banyak tes termasuk kognitif Styles Uji dan Penilaian Kebahagiaan Anda
*** metode untuk berbagi dan membandingkan hasil tes
*** dapat diakses dari semua perangkat Android Anda
Aplikasi ini didasarkan pada penelitian di Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) dan disponsori oleh seorang psikolog klinis. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk penilaian pribadi untuk membantu self-help untuk perbaikan pribadi. Dengan memeriksa gaya berpikir Anda, Anda dapat belajar untuk mengubah mereka yang dapat mengurangi kecemasan, depresi, dan kemarahan yang tidak masuk akal. Selain itu, Anda dapat meningkatkan harga diri Anda dan hubungan Anda.
Aplikasi ini mencakup artikel yang ditulis oleh seorang psikolog klinis kognitif-perilaku untuk membantu Anda memahami proses terapi kognitif dan bagaimana menggunakan metode.
*** Gaya Kognitif Uji
Ini adalah tes 110 item yang meneliti 13 gaya berpikir yang dapat menyebabkan masalah dalam hubungan, masalah di tempat kerja atau di sekolah, dan masalah mengatasi stres kehidupan.
gaya ini meliputi:
*** Gaya Cemas
*** Self-Esteem Style
*** perfeksionis Style
*** Persetujuan-Seeking Style
*** Permintaan Style
*** Pemotongan Style
*** Kontrol Gaya
*** Ketergantungan Style
*** Eksternalisasi Style
*** Gaya Emosional
*** pasif Style
*** Kepercayaan Style
*** Menyalahkan Style
psikotes ini dapat memberitahu Anda gaya berpikir yang menyebabkan Anda untuk bertindak dan merasakan hal yang Anda lakukan. Dengan belajar apa jenis gaya kognitif yang Anda miliki, Anda dapat menentukan jenis pemikiran irasional apa yang Anda cenderung untuk terlibat dalam. Berpikir irasional tertentu akan menciptakan masalah hidup tambahan atau membuat sulit untuk memecahkan masalah Anda dihadapkan dengan.
Aplikasi ini dimaksudkan untuk digunakan dengan aplikasi Kognitif Buku Harian di mana Anda merekam peristiwa yang terjadi dan menentukan apakah Anda terlibat dalam setiap pemikiran rasional. Jika Anda melakukannya, hal ini membantu Anda untuk mengembangkan beberapa pernyataan untuk menantang pemikiran.
Setelah Anda telah mengembangkan tantangan kognitif Anda dapat meninjau mereka sehari-hari untuk membantu Anda ingat untuk menantang pemikiran irasional.
Dengan menantang irasional Anda berpikir Anda dapat mengatasi masalah secara lebih efektif. Mengubah suasana hati dan perilaku dengan mengubah pemikiran Anda.
Silahkan email masalah atau saran. Kami mendengarkan dan ingin memberikan aplikasi yang berkualitas.
IMPORTANT NOTE: A new and improved version of this app has been released as part of Know Yourself Personality Plus. To find, look in this store listing under More by Excel At Life and download Know Yourself Personality Plus instead of Cognitive Styles CBT Test.
Know Yourself Personality Plus:
***completely new design
***many tests including Cognitive Styles Test and Your Happiness Assessment
***method to share and compare test results
***can be accessed from all your Android devices
This app is based upon research in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and is sponsored by a clinical psychologist. It is meant for personal assessment to aid in self-help for personal improvement. By examining your thinking styles, you can learn to change them which can reduce anxiety, depression, and unreasonable anger. In addition, you can improve your self-esteem and your relationships.
The app includes articles written by a cognitive-behavioral clinical psychologist to help you understand the process of cognitive therapy and how to use the methods.
***Cognitive Styles Test
This is a 110 item test examining 13 styles of thinking that can lead to problems in relationships, problems at work or in school, and problems coping with life stressors.
These styles include:
***Anxious Style
***Self-Esteem Style
***Perfectionistic Style
***Approval-Seeking Style
***Demand Style
***Withholding Style
***Control Style
***Dependency Style
***Externalizing Style
***Emotional Style
***Passivity Style
***Trust Style
***Blaming Style
This psychological test can tell you the thinking styles that cause you to act and feel the way you do. By learning what types of cognitive styles you have, you can determine what types of irrational thinking you are likely to engage in. Certain irrational thinking will create additional life problems or make it difficult to solve the problems you are confronted with.
This app is meant to be used with the Cognitive Diary app in which you record events that occur and determine if you engaged in any irrational thinking. If you did, it helps you to develop some statements to challenge the thinking.
Once you have developed the cognitive challenges you can review them daily to help you remember to challenge the irrational thinking.
By challenging your irrational thinking you can address problems more effectively. Change your mood and behavior by changing your thinking.
Please email problems or suggestions. We are listening and want to provide a quality app.